Why Do Cats Hide In Boxes?

Why Do Cats Hide In Boxes?
If you have a cat, you already know that you are more likely to find then hiding in a cardboard box than playing with the copious amount of toys you’ve invested in for them to play with. The struggle is real, but why do cats love to snuggle into boxes, bags, and suitcases (even if they are too small)? In this article, we dissect this adorable behavior.

A Natural Instinct

In the wild, cats love to hide. Whether it be from predators, or to scope out their prey, cats are naturally very elusive animals. Confined spaces are often sought after in the wild because they also give furry felines a safe place to sleep uninterrupted. And cats need a lot of sleep. Some can even sleep up to 20 hours a day (the rest of the day is usually reserved for hunting).

These natural instincts are still prevalent in domesticated cats, which is why your cat companion in continually seeking out nooks and crannies, that carboard box filled with Christmas presents, or your half-empty laundry basket.

Making Your Cat Feel Safe

If you have just recently moved with a cat (or cats), you have seen this behavior up close as they have found the darkest part of the darkest closet in your home to camp out for several days (if not weeks depending on the cat). Confined and enclosed spaces reduce stress by making them feel safe and secure, so, during especially stressful times, it is natural that they will seek out something that will bring them instantaneous comfort. Keep some boxes around the house after your move will help your cat stay with you in the common areas, and can create a smoother transition for your “purrminator” friend.

A Resort Your Cat Will Love

Rest assured, if you ever need to board your cat, Pet Ponderosa Resorts and Spas can make your cat feel safe and right at home. Trust us to understand your cat’s instincts and give them an environment they will love while you are out of town! Contact Pet Ponderosa in Graham, Washington, today for the best boarding experience for your cat.

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